Monday, January 19, 2009

Hot Wheels and sick baby

Good morning,
We had a good/not so good weekend! Jimmy was home (which as good). He got home about 9PM and we settled in for what we thought the night. WRONG! Got a call from a family friend that Sara (Jimmy's youngest) had just had a car wreck in front of their house. Well, we got in the car and went 70MPH about 3 miles down the road to this...
But, thank JESUS...she walked away with a few scratches and a few SORE muscles. She had a blowout we think.
Then on to Saturday! (Here comes the good part!) Jimmy brought Alexander a Hot Wheels track and they had SO much fun!!! I am not sure who had more...Jimmy or Alexander. Check out the videos on MySPACE to see them in action...too cool!

Caught Jimmy playing by himself!!

Now on for a bit more bad...Alexander had a terrible fever Saturday night on into Sunday morning. His momma and daddy came and took him to the doctor and discovered he has an ear infection. His fever has been between 103^ and as high as 105.8^...SCARY STUFF! Here he is hanging out with his Papa!
Abigail spent some quality time with Papa while Alexander was gone to the doctor...and much time with her Memaw!!
