Well, yesterday was a FUN day! I missed church though because by the time I got to the house it was almost 7PM and no dinner cooked or baby ready...he was really tired too.
Anyway, we went to pick up Papa because his dad (Pop King)
is going in to the hospital today for a biopsy on his lungs...please pray for him. So, we took our time at the house because Alexander and Papa had to spend some time with the horsies!!

I didnt have my camera with me (yes I panicked) but I did have my phone...precious.
Then on to the house where Alexander went through like a tornado ( I think it was the Mountain Dew he had on the trip). You would not want to see it this morning. I bought these blocks for him about 3 months ago and he didnt give a hoot...but he did last night!!

If you know me...a house is not a home...without a dog! LOL
Until then!