Well, this weekend was busy busy. Lets start with Alexander spending the night Thursday night and waking up sick Friday morning...so I stayed home from work to tend to him...but these photos were taking B4 he caught that bug...

We have so much fun just taking baths!

He finally settled in for a night of Pooh!
So the next day, we just hang out and give a little love before time to take him home to mama and daddy...
We stopped by McDonalds for a snack and he was showing me his horses...

He was showing his daddy first thing Saturday morning and blacked his eye with one of the legs!! Daddy loves him anyways!

Then on to help paint and put up deer border in Alexander's room (no photos yet...but will add later)...then on to help cut wood with family and friends...here is my very first fire in my little living quarters!

Then church on Sunday of which Alexander had to miss because he had family visiting...but Melissa and I went on with out him as hard as it was and went to visit our grandmother who is 88 years old. Bless her heart...she is still so beautiful to us!

And dont forget my Million Dollar baby is THE BEST!
Until then...love!