Memorial Day Weekend...we had a BBQ at the house...hubby was home for 5 days!!

Melissa and Aunt Barb enjoy conversation at the barbie...

Alexander got a new pool...

Ellen just woke up...

Alexander hanging with Papa on the porch...

Me and Uncle Don...he is SO PRECIOUS!!

My silly patriotic!

What a great way to wake up!!

Alexander wanted to hold his baby...

Memaws pretty Abbey after a little quacker...

This was too funny not to post...Alexander wanted to play the I went about doing something else and heard him playing. Then all of the sudden I heard hep Memaw hep (he cant say his L's yet) and this is what I saw...I could only laugh...and get the camera of course!!

This was taken this morning before leaving for the sitters and work...I didnt see him anywhere and then I saw him move...he was loving up on his dog...

And last but not least for the day...this is how I woke up! I have no recollection of this 'accident' except that Alexander bumped my eyebrow with his sippy cup wanting a refill and Abigail trying to pull my nose off while trying to go to sleep...the battles of being a Memaw...I WIN EVERYTIME!!!
