Well, another weekend has come and gone and precious memories made. First start to the weekend...Alexander, Abigail and I went to Summerfest. Kelly was going to join us but couldnt leave work in time. We were melting!! We got there about 6PM and left around 10PM. Papa met us about 8:30PM. When we first got there Alexander didnt know what rides to begin with...so we did them all!
This was his first choice...took him about 3 minutes to decide what color he wanted!!
Then on to the carosel...
We all rode with him...FUN FUN!!
This was awesome...the look on his little face when the Dragon Roller Coaster would make the turns...he was so excited...he rode this at least 10 times that night!
Old Timey Cars...

Throw in Brother Tim...

with daughter Ellen
And daughter Sara

Father's Day will never be the same without daddy
So this is our life...