WOW, where does the time go. Its true...the older we get...the faster it goes. Daddy
used to say that we (Melissa and me) grew up faster than he did and I would just look at him with such misunderstanding of his words...which was not normal because he was such a brilliant man!! Anyhow, now that I am the age he had been...I totally understand and still agree to his brilliance.

Abigail is already 9 months old and crawling EVERYWHERE
!! She is such a little grabber too...if her eyes see it...her hands touch it...beverages BEWARE!! She is so beautiful and getting a precious personality
like her big brother...

Alexander is profecting his vocabulary more each day and I tell you the truth...he is the LOVE of my life. Papa and I took him canoeing

this past Labor Day weekend and had a blast. Our four hour tour (yep, your singing Gilligan arent you) took about 6 and we capsized the boat. But Jesus kept us safe and we are here to tell the tale and show the pics!

Summer brought us lots of fun...the fair...cookouts...trip to Illinois...and so much more

that I will never forget and have the best memories!!
