Literally...it was the Cheatham County Fair and the last night of. I havent been to the fair in YEARS! My baby son had his truck in the mud thing and we were there from 6:30 to 11:30PM people!!! My back STILL HURTS from those bleachers...but it was FUN and Justin was tickled that we came (he actually told me so!). Alexander LOVED seeing the trucks and was such a good boy! 

Jimmy bought me a license plate for my little bitty car! 

Ellen and Sara were there but no pics of Sara...: - ( We were going to take some when she came back but she never came back! But I did get these photos of Jimmy and the girls before we went.

When I took Alexander home I met his new puppy...they are going to call her Dixie. So, Alexander will have a pony AND a puppy named Dixie! 

And dont let me forget that I went to Logan's 2nd birthday party with BLUE!! Alexander was with his mommy and did not get to go...but someday he will see these photos and laugh at Memaw!

I sure do miss my Kelly and Doug on weekends like these...
Until then...love!
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