Today my mind is in a whirl wind. So many thoughts and emotions I dont really know what to do. But first let me tell you about yesterday. I went to Jail!!! Yes I did...for MDA (you know Jerry's kids) and little did I know until then, they also support folks with ALS. My BFF Denise lost her dad 9 days after I lost my dad to this terrible disease. Anyway, my bail was $1000 and I could only accomplish $400! Guess all my contacts are broke!! 

The on to the evening. My hubby came over because he needed to help his brother Tim this morning with getting packed up to go back to Texas. I guess I am melancoly because I dont know what the future holds at this point and women dont do well with uncertainty. At least I dont. 
But I am certain of this one thing, God is in control of my life and kasara-sara, whatever will be will be. I MUST TRUST HIM!
1 comment:
how was your day?
i liked your blog
you are fantastic!!!
really nice blog
fabulous fantastic
take care
see you
Como foi o seu dia?
Gostei de seu blog
você é fantástico!
realmente agradável blog
fabulosa fantástico
vejo você
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